ADSB Summer Symposium ’24

ADSB invites occasional teachers to join its Summer Symposium on August 28 & 29 at the Delta Waterfront Hotel in Sault Ste. Marie.

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to catch keynote presenters Dr. Jean Clinton and Dr. Marian Small.

Registration deadline is July 12. Full-day participation for both days will be compensated. Participants from outside of the Soo who engage in both days in-person will be reimbursed for hotel, mileage, and food.

Please note that there is a special session for those included in NTIP which includes new occasional teachers to the Board.

A special three-day Inquiry Based Collaborative PL event at Science North for Grade 5-10 teachers is also advertised. Please indicate your interest in joining no later than July 12.

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Programming for Students with Special Needs in the Regular Classroom: Student Mental Health and Well-Being

Wednesday, November 29
4:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Boréal French Immersion PS, Rm 241

Join us for this enlightening after-school workshop led by renowned ETFO AQ Instructor Kim Spratt. Gain valuable insights and practical strategies to foster an inclusive and supportive learning environment. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Registration deadline is November 24.

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A Practical Approach to Structured Literacy

Saturday, November 18
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Virtual – Zoom

In this two hour Saturday session Martha Kovack, MEd, will provide OTs with an introduction to the science of reading and what structured literacy looks like in the classroom. Participants will be introduced to the importance of connecting the sounds, spellings, and meanings of words, and how Orthographic Mapping supports efficient storage of words in memory. The emphasis will be on practical activities for the classroom.

Registration deadline is Monday November 13 at 4:00 p.m.

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Addressing Challenging Behaviours Through Effective Classroom Management

November 8
Boreal French Immersion PS
4:30 – 7:00 p.m. with dinner provided
Registration Fee: $10.00

As educators, it’s vital to establish safe and inclusive learning environments in which all students can succeed.

Kim Spratt, ETFO AQ Instructor and workshop presenter, will guide us through reviewing and improving classroom routines and procedures that support effective instruction, learning, and social skills acquisition.

Registration deadline is Friday November 3 at 4:00 p.m.

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PD Grants for FSL Teachers

The Ontario Teachers’ Federation “Ici on parle français” program is back this year. Once again, participants can partner with other FSL teachers in a collaborative learning team of two to four teachers or apply for an individual grant. For those working in a team, the maximum grant is $500 per team member (max $2,000 per team) and for those working individually, the maximum grant is $250.

You can use your PD grant to participate in a French as a Second Language (FSL) professional learning program/activity of your choosing or to purchase teacher/educator resources to support your own FSL proficiency and teaching.

The deadline for applying for a grant is 5:00 pm on Monday, October 16. Successful applicants will be notified by early November.

To find out more about the Ici on parle français 2023-24 grant program and to apply, click here.

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Walk into Retirement with a Plan!

OTIP and Educators Financial are partnering together to bring a series of retirement planning workshops to our area. These free workshops are open to all occasional teacher members and spouses are welcome.

Visit to register!

WawaMonday, September 25
Elliot LakeTuesday, October 3
Blind RiverWednesday, October 4
Sault Ste. MarieThursday, October 5
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Re-Thinking White Privilege

In conjunction with ETFO presenter Velvet Lacasse, the Local will be hosting an ETFO Equity workshop called “Re-Thinking White Privilege”.

Wednesday, March 29
Boreal French Immersion PS (Communication Room 241)
4:30 – 7:00 p.m.

This workshop will take an exploratory look at white privilege in order to provide educators with the opportunity to build awareness and understanding. Opportunities will be provided to enter into professional dialogue in regards to addressing privilege in themselves and in the classroom.

This event has been cancelled due to low registration.

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Devenir Correcteur DELF

Le conseil scolaire Algoma DSB prévoit ajouter quelques enseignants à son groupe d’examinateurs-correcteurs du DELF scolaire. Un stage d’entraînement initial de 4 jours aura lieu à North Bay très prochainement, soit le 28 février-1er mars ainsi que le 7-8 mars.

Si cette opportunité de développement professionnel vous intéresse, svp répondre à Nancy Rancourt (ac.no1721874155.bsda1721874155@nuoc1721874155nar1721874155) en nous faisant part de votre intérêt le plus tôt possible (21 février à midi) afin que nous puissions confirmer avec North Bay.

Prendre note que nous confirmerons avec vous si votre nom est retenu. Toutes personnes intéressées doivent participer aux 4 jours. Le conseil scolaire couvrira tous les coûts de déplacement, d’hébergement et d’entraînement.

N’hésitez pas à communiquer avec Nancy si vous avez des questions.

*Si vous avez déjà participé à un stage d’entraînement et que votre habilitation est arrivée à échéance, et que vous voulez vous recertifier, confirmez avec Nancy puisque vous pourriez aller à North Bay aussi.

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See Us, Learn Us: A New Perspective on Teaching Identity, Belonging, and the Black Canadian Experience

AOTL is proud to celebrate Black History Month as we commemorate the history, legacy, and achievements of Black Canadians.

To bring focus on Black history, ADSB invites you to join the Nelson Classroom’s webinar series, See Us, Learn Us, to deepen your understanding of the Black Canadian experience to better support students’ identity and sense of belonging at school.

This five-part multi-media series utilizes videos, music, spoken word, and more to build staff confidence and foundations to address the current realities of Black Canadians. Engaging in this series will help all educators and staff to:

  • understand systemic racism;
  • educate themselves about overt racism and the impact of racial microaggressions; and
  • take meaningful steps to persist through challenges and mistakes through a journey of learning and growth, with mutual respect and appreciation for the diversity and richness within Black Canadian communities.

This series is free for all ADSB staff. To register, please see the instructions provided in your email from the Local office. Register with your board email address to be eligible to win a tailored resource bundle.

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